Nicki Minaj's (Fake) Ass In Canada
>> Friday, April 29, 2011

Really what else could I call this. Nicki Minaj (and her stank face) arriving in Vancouver yesterday with that ass. I've touched on Nicki's backside before on this blog. Some of you still think this is all natural. Even yesterday LaineyGossip said she thought that Nicki's butt was real.

She has put on a bit of weight, but....

Girlfriend isn't playing with the hand that God gave her (on so many levels).

This is Nicki before she made it big, back when she was trying to get signed.

Notice her backside (and nose) before?
We black women generally have ample bottoms, so I do not understand why anyone would want to make it even bigger. But like too many kids, and tacky weaves, ghetto folks know how to take a good thing and make it worse. #prayingformypeeps
Do ya think it's a removable fake ass or implants?? I read that implanted ass cheeks feel like sitting on 2 full wallets in each pocket.
"Two full wallets". Jebus save me. Injections are the trend now isn't it? Hydrogel, which needs to be re-injected every year (they use it as a lip filler). It's pricey as all hell though.
But if there's some medical procedure being done mostly on women of colour, watch for women to start dropping like flies.
yeah for sure!! she needs to get them deflated, moved lower or reshaped or summit, coz they are ridiculous!! the proportions from her ankles to her knees and from her knees to her booty are just not natural. she is hot from the front. takes a good photo, sounds good. and her facial expressions and eccentric egos make her sexier. she doesnt need that ass. it just makes her into a carnival act. the rest of the surgery has enhanced her cosmetically for the TV and clap clap for that. i think she got the surgery before she got famous and had all the money to get a good surgeon, because between her a$$ that looks half way upto her shoulders, and her crooked nose job (just saying....i mean it looks crooked even with all the airbrushing) it seemed she got cheap botched surgery along the way and is just living with it.
Yes, I think Nicki got her surgery done just when she started to make money. She's still pretty, but the work wasn't done well at all. I'm mad at Nicki because she's so talented, she doesn't need all of this crap. She should have had faith that her talent would have brought her out on top.
But I suspect Nicki will be removing that backside soon enough. She claims she wants to make movies, the ass will not be cute on the big screen. Nuh uh!
I know that its hard to please the fans and the ability to be able to accept what is GOD given or not this role playing with celebrities,its not good for our children a women florishes into a beutiful flower if she is humble and raised well and can love herself before anything you have to many stereotypes of what a beautiful women should be especially in the eyes of the music industry. We need to fix this problem it should start with everyone. these things are also mental for the celebrity its like drug addiction they feed of the ability to use there money to portray a certain image and then they do not like to be confronted or face the facts that they put themselves out there for the gossip and stares whether good or bad people lets love ourselves work with what you got and if you need to improve look at a healthy lifestyle to improve your mind body and health ask the celebs that get surgerys done do you ever consider the risks and dangers that come along with these surgerys as much as you consider what you will look like when its done or better yet take a look at the ones making the money for the surgerys do you see them exposed to the fake material or liqueds and man made stuff they use to insert or to change you Surgery is a blessing for those who are sick who need reconstructive stuff done do to accidents and diseases but those who take it for granted I wonder what they turn out to look like if there money runs out and they get older when the body youthfull image is that of old age we all have to get old whether the outside may change they still have not discovered how to change us inside.
Well put. It's sad, because Nicki does have mad talent, but like Gaga, they hide behind all of these "accoutrements", and the image overshadows what we should be paying attention to.
But I feel for Nicki, because the look she has bought, is a fad. Right now the "look" is stripper/porn star. So many women with their stripper heels, smokey eye and glued on lashes in the daytime. Those with no sense go for the ass and oversized breast implants as well. How is that going to look 10 years from now.
More importantly, Nicki wants to go Hollywood. That backside won't work on the big screen.
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