Lainey Gossip -Blind Item "Holiday Detox"

>> Monday, December 17, 2007

Holiday Detox

(December 10, 2007) Some stars you look at with blinders on. She is for me one of those stars. But the glassy eyes are hard to excuse. And the thinnification too. Thinnification to get back to work and in her case assisted by good old cocaine which she apparently did in copious amounts on sets through summer and fall to stay alert and focused and un-hungry. Which is apparently always something she’s dabbled in, only before she was able to actually stop between gigs. This time however, even though she’s wrapped, she’s taken to taking it home, wreaking havoc in her family life and bringing on serious bouts of depression. After a particularly painful episode with a very young, very innocent witness, she finally went for help. The good news is she knows she needs to stop. And she has a supportive partner behind her. Word is, to avoid public scandal, she’s fighting the beast at home during the holidays under professional supervision. Wonderful news indeed.
Gossip Wrap-Up Blind Item Guess: This blind reminds me of a blind on Crazy Days and Nights a while back. But Lainey's blinds are usually obvious. This one is pretty devoid of clues, "supportive partner", "very young, very innocent witness", "the thinnification" -pretty much it, and if she did it on purpose then my worst fears have come true. I won't even say who I think it is. I REFUSE. I'd better be wrong.
Update: Okay, so half the Net thinks it's Angie too. But I've been scrolling through images of Ms. Jolie and (when she's not wearing sunglasses -blinders?) she doesn't look high. So how about Katie Holmes. Please God let it be Katie Holmes. Hell, I'll pay Lainey to say it's Katie Holmes.
Update 2: (December 11, 2007) I'm horrified to learn that Lainey Gossip has ruled out Kate Winslet, Gweneth Paltrow and Jennifer Gardner. She forgot to mention Angelina Jolie. Everyone please pray the Elaine FORGOT to rule out Angelina.
Update 3: (December 11, 2007) As part of my continued allegiance to denial, I'm throwing a new name into the Holiday Detox Blind, Uma Thurman. She definitely has been photographed lately with "pinned" pupils, and has lost a ton of weight. Her new boyfriend financier (and Elle MacPherson's Ex-husband) Arpad Busson has been rumored, even by Lainey Gossip, to have a problem with blow.
Update 4: (December 17, 2007) NOT ANGELINA JOLIE -Hallelujah! So I'm going with my other guess, UMA THURMAN.


Anonymous December 10, 2007 7:31 PM  

LOL. Do you think Tom would let coke in his house? It's Angelina.

Anonymous December 10, 2007 8:26 PM  

Jodie Foster.

Anonymous January 30, 2008 5:57 PM  

Liv Tyler. Lainey posted the answer a couple of weeks ago. Did you miss it or are your reading skills not up to par?

Nicola January 30, 2008 8:32 PM  

@anonymous 5:57pm
Meow. Is your blood sugar low? Either that or you were one of those people who spent 2 weeks researching Timmy on Crazy Days.

Sorry love, I so abandoned this blind weeks ago. BTW, if it is Liv, I suggest she sue her dealer, 'cause clearly he's cutting her coke.

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