Lindsay Lohan's Publicity Stunt
>> Monday, February 18, 2008
How stupid is Lindsay Lohan? Lindsay enters rehab, twice, and comes out to very limited prospects. No one seems to be in a rush to hire her, she's has to work on an album that in all probability very few people will buy. So what does a young thing do to improve their image. Well getting press helps, and lord knows Lindsay's mastered that one. But Lindsay's idea of keeping her name out there, means shopping trips with the paparazzi, lunch at The Ivy with the paparazzi, and trips to the night clubs with the paparazzi. That last ones a bit of wanker though, because if you've gone to rehab, maybe going to a bar is not the best way to guarantee insurance for your next film. Besides what does it say about your recovery if you can't even go 6 months without drinking again.
You'd think someone in Lindsay camp would have to good sense to put a leash on the kid. Why not take an acting class? vocal lessons? go to church? Why not try getting photographed doing something productive? Does Lindsay Lohan know how to be productive? It may be total B.S. but hell, even Paris Hilton had the good sense to do that. Instead Lindsay wanders about town, doing absolutely nothing. A twenty-one-year-old with no perspective and no concept of how the world operates outside of Hollywood. Can Lindsay Lohan do anything else? Is she going to become this generation's Corey (Haim or Feldman)?
In what is a desperate attempt at maintaining her relevance, Ms Lohan poses as Marilyn Monroe for the cover of New York Magazine, recreating shots that have been recreated by just about everyone (including Madonna for Vanity Far several years ago). When all else fails, show your ta-tas baby! Great marketing move, but maybe someone should have told Lindsay the history of those photographs she was recreating. The original 1962 shots also taken by photographer Bert Stern have collectively come to be known as “The Last Sitting.” They were taken during several boozy sessions at the Hotel Bel-Air. They show a sleepy-eyed and naked Monroe sipping from a Champagne glass while posing. Six weeks after the shoot, Monroe was found dead of an apparent barbiturate overdose. Given Lindsay's state in the past few weeks... months... year, maybe her people should have filled her in. That seems to be one of Lindsay's problem. She needs better people.
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