Random Shots - 2008 Academy Award Edition
>> Sunday, February 24, 2008
7:42pm - Sissy Spacek in Maggie Norris, looks great and age appropriate. Jeannie is interviewing Colin Farell he washed his hair, looks good. His mom is beautiful. 7:40pm - They just flashed on Colin Farell! He needs a hair cut. Now they're interviewing Norm Jewison! Love him, the first project I ever worked on was The Hurricane, definitely gave me the wrong impression about the industry, most folks aren't as great as him. 7:37pm - Hating the red carpet coverage. Love Gary Busey though (more on that later). I am seriously reminiscing for the days when Tyra Banks hosted the red carpet. I'd give my last dollar to hear Tyra say "Gurl who you wearin'?' Instead I'm stuck with Ryan Seacrest and Ben Mulroney and Jeannie Becker and a bunch of shell shocked celebrities. Why is no one coherent tonight.... Is King of the Hill on. Nope Nascar. It's lose lose no matter what. I love this stance. My god she's atrocious. This is how Valentino goes out? 7:25pm - Jeanne Becker is interviewing Jessica Alba, she's actually smiling and looks happy. Since she can't act, it must be geniune. She needs to stay pregnant. She looked gorgeous too. 7:20pm - oh god, Ryan Seacrest is talking to Miley Cyrus. Those f7cking teeth are going to give me nightmares. Why is she there anyway. Wasn't it a concert movie? Her mom totally is Dina 2. I guess her publicist and manager read her the riot act, because she is dressed far more appropriately tonight. This doesn't work from any angle.
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