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My iPod is Making Me Crazy

>> Sunday, January 25, 2009

I’ve previously mentioned that I have mental illness in my family. Because of that I am always paying attention to little things just in case 'the crazies' sneak up on my ass. Seriously, look at the Britney Spears case for example. You think your going about your life same as usual, having no idea that you've 'crossed over’. Then one day you look around and discover you’ve not only moved to Crazy Town, but you own real estate, a dog, and have a full-time job there. This is my biggest fear. I would tell you that this keeps me up at night, but I know how that would look. I do have a back-up though. My friend “X” who has similar familiar issues, is my lookout. We have a deal if we see the other ‘packing our moving boxes’ so to speak, we’ll demand they get help. Unfortunately “X” is a collector. She buys stuff and hoards it, sale items, eBay -you name it, she’s been there and bought from it. If you’ve watched enough Oprah, I don’t have to tell you how that’s going to turn out. This brings me to iTunes. Do you have an iPod? Probably. Unless you have Zune, then I need to meet you because I have never in my life met anyone who owns one. My Love for my iPod and in extension, my iTunes, is making me crazy. I’m obsessed with sorting. Rather I’m obsessed with iTunes inability to sort properly. Have you noticed? Other people have. As a result I have become obsessive compulsive with my iTunes library. I have about 50 movies, 4 television series and just under 500 albums in my iTunes library. And lately, I've been spending hours sorting it, so it appears better in my iPod. I've gone online and Googled tips. I've sacrificed serious gossip time just to make my iTunes library look beautiful. My sister says I need to get a life. But I can’t because in order to walk down the street and enjoy said "life", I need my iPod to work properly. I know what this means. I am now renting a timeshare in Crazy Town. The bastards at Apple are responsible. I’m thinking class action lawsuit. Anyone in?


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