They're F*cking Killing Me!
>> Thursday, March 12, 2009
I'm going to reveal something personal here. I don't do Gwyneth Paltrow movies. I don't do Scarlett Johansson movies and I don't do Ben Stiller movies. I loathe all three of them. Two of them are overrated, and Ben Stiller is... Ben Stiller -no explanation required.
Last year I was forced to watch Gwyneth Paltrow in Iron Man. I actually cashed in valuable Airmiles points for free Cineplex Movie Passes just so I didn't have to hand that woman my cash. I was forced to do the same this Christmas with the f*ckery that was The Spirit. Not even Samuel Jackson was worth that sh*t.
The only way I could survive Gwyneth's smug self in Iron Man was by visualizing her agent begging to get her in that movie. And she still stood out like a sore thumb.
Well the producers of Iron Man hate me.
It must be some sort of personal vendetta, because they are putting my least favorite bitches in one movie together. Gwyneth Paltrow AND Scarlett Johansson are co-starring in Iron Man 2: The Rise of the Overrated Actress (I have no idea what it's called, but I'm throwing that title out there).
I'm so sneaking into Iron Man 2. Jon Favreau I hate you now. I hate you so much, I hate your kids. And their kids too!
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