Explanation Required
>> Saturday, April 4, 2009
Jade Goody was buried in England this morning. Jade, who rose to fame after starring in the British version of Big Brother, died on March 22 after a battle with cancer. People lined up along London streets to watch her funeral procession go by. I'm not sure if the event was televised. I need to start of by saying: GOD FORGIVE ME. Let me repeat, GOD PLEASE FORGIVE ME, and Jade Goody please don't haunt my ass. Now with the legalize out of the way.... I know they do things a little different over in England. Their standard of what it takes to becomes famous is way lower than in North America (and we made Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian famous, so you know they have it bad). Hell, even their soap opera actors look like everyday people. No glamour of glitz or proper English can be found on Coronation Street. Even with this knowledge, I need a couple of points clarified. 1. Jade Goody died on March 22 and was buried on April 4. THIRTEEN DAYS? Were they waiting for a slow news day? Or was this the only day they could get a parade permit? Jade's body must have been fully decomposed. Why did she need 6 pall bearers? Human bones don't weigh much. 2. Why the hell did people line up for her funeral? She was a reality show participant, who pimped out her own death, so her kids could have a trust fund. Honorable? No. Smart? Maybe? But what kind of person buys into this crap?
I guess this is my answer. Lord have mercy. People, this is the End of Days. Those sweatshirts are killing me. I know I shouldn't be laughing but, do you think they made them themselves, or was some guy selling them at the funeral?
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