The Return

>> Sunday, June 21, 2009

I sat through an hour and half of Ryan Reynolds just to watch the delightful Sandra Bullock (and Betty White) in The Proposal. The good news: I no longer despise Ryan Reynolds. I realize now that he is cross-eyed and has no cheekbones, so maybe his smugness is just a coping mechanism? The funny thing about Ryan is he's has starred in two big movies this year, playing a mutant and an assistant, and surprisingly, he was the same character in both. How does he do it? Sandra can you hate? She's FORTY-SIX years old and killing it if you ask me. Girlfriend looks great. My only criticism, next time Sandy, don't get your lips done just before filming. They don't shoot movies in order so her lips kept going from obviously new, to just settled-in perfect throughout. For someone like me, that is totally distracting. But I was so happy to see her on screen. So were all the other women in the theatre, my Cineplex Odeon theatre looked like it was having a tampon convention there were so few men in the room.


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