>> Monday, December 28, 2009

I have tremendous faith, but I have no love for organized religion. Truthfully, most churches are filled with hypocrites. People who would rather go around telling others what they’re doing wrong, rather than deal with their own house.

Decent people like that write gossip blogs, they don’t stand on pulpits.

Seriously, to me, churches, synagogues, temples, any house of God, should be working with their parishioners and the community to make this world a better place. Feeding the poor, giving counsel to those in need. NOT organizing bus trips to protest Lady Gaga.

The Westboro Baptist Church has plans for Lady Gaga on January 7 and they’re looking for a few volunteers. Westboro has issues with Lady Gaga’s fashion and music and her corrupting influence on America. As a result they are holding a protest outside her concert in St. Louis next month.

You remember Westboro Baptist Church? The church that used the funerals of soldiers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan to protest gay marriage (yeah, I'm still working on the connection too). I cannot imagine how you could be a member of this church. How you could join this farce. If these fools were serious about labelling people whores and trying to save the world from their corrupting influence, hell if these people were truly doing "God’s work", these bitches would have gone after Paris Hilton years ago.


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