>> Tuesday, March 23, 2010
On Saturday I walked into my neighbourhood Pharma Plus/Rexall drugstore to pick up one thing, my favourite mascara in the world, Maybelline New York Colossal Volum’ Express Mascara. Seriously it’s the best mascara out there, with the exception of maybe Dior Show (but my half-blind dirt brown eyes aren’t pretty enough to be wearing $40 mascara). “The Colossal” was on sale for $5.99, which is dirt cheap for mascara in Canada. Unfortunately, in addition to my “eating problem” I have a “shopping problem”. So naturally, after saving all that money, I began trolling the aisles like I was George Michael in a public park –translation -I was desperate to pick up ANYTHING. Two minutes later I was at the cash with my Mascara, 2 Santi-flush tabs and the deluxe edition of NEW MOON.
Hello, my name is Nicola and I have a problem.
I know I said I hated the flick (except for the hotness that was Taylor Lautner’s abs) but I’m OCD with music, books and DVDs. I must have completeness. I buy a book by an author and I like it, I must buy all of the author’s works. My DVD collection is so screwed right now, because I own the first NATIONAL TREASURE but not the sequel. Seriously, every time I go into HMV, I eyeball, NATIONAL TREASURE: BOOK OF SECRETS. But the buggers want $24.99(!) for it, and just because Nicolas Cage is broker than me, doesn’t mean I need to bail him out.
I paid for my goods, and I went home and had me a TWILIGHT SAGA party (of one). I watched TWILIGHT and then NEW MOON back to back.
Five hours of my life I will not be getting back. But because the people at Summit Entertainment don’t think I’ve been punished enough, they released this today:
Was Jasper character supposed to be comic relief in the movies? I swear he looked like he had gas in both flicks.
I weep for you.
Why the F**Kin HELL the Native guy looks like the bad guy in this poster - the white people are blood suckers and the Native guy is the killer of the blood suckers??
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