Why I Haven't Been Blogging
>> Friday, May 28, 2010

I get home pretty late from work each night, around 7:30 pm. My friend Rabin has been doing a contract job out in the boonies and gets to my place after eight. So the two of us have been watching episodes of TRUE BLOOD Season 2 until about 1:30AM each night. We both have to get up at 5 AM to get ready to work. Needless to say, #Iamdeadtired. Tonight we're having a marathon to finish this TRUE BLOOD Season 2, and then it's back to normal (after a bit of a sleep in) tomorrow. Apologies.
Why isn't the black dude on the poster - he's hotter than half the cast.
Why is the dead white woman on it (Maryann)? My thinking Lafayette should have been their.
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