Even Bloggers Change Their Minds
>> Thursday, May 21, 2009
Do you all remember this post I did on George Clooney back in July 08? The one where I said:
I am seriously crushing on George Clooney. If I didn't believe he was riddled with STDs, I would totally get into shape and move out to California to become a waitress in hopes of snagging him. But since Canadian medicare doesn't cover Valtrex, I shall just have to lust after him from afar.I need to rethink my fear of Valtrex. Crazy Days & Nights is reporting that George Clooney has picked up another waitress.
So I must ask two questions:
1. Why not me? Please don't remind me about my "Oprah Arms" and Back Fat issues. Let this be about George's flaws not mine.
2. At what point did the guidance counsellor tell these girls that having a "Sugar Daddy" was a career option? Why did no one tip me to this? Why did I rack up 30K in student loans, when I just should have moved out to LA or Vegas, and become a waitress?
Please don't tell me that it will work out in the end. That when these girls are older, they'll regret the choices they've made. BS, these girls are probably getting more in spousal/palimony or child support than I'm making in a year. I think this is bothering me because George is actually good looking, talented and funny. Which makes me wonder, what the hell is wrong with him?
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