Showing newest 55 of 103 posts from January 2008. Show older posts
Showing newest 55 of 103 posts from January 2008. Show older posts

Hit Me Baby One More Time -Britney Hospitalized AGAIN

>> Thursday, January 31, 2008

Hopefully this time they'll keep her ass. Britney Spears' manager Sam Lutfi confirmed to that the pop singer has been taken to a Los Angeles hospital to be put on a 5150 psychiatric hold for the second time this month, signifying that she has been deemed a danger to herself or others.
Despite last Friday's appointment with a psychiatrist and Tuesday's reunion with mom Lynne, Britney's behavior had been increasingly erratic over the past few days, and a family source claims Britney wasn't getting any sleep.
Perez Hilton is reporting that it was her psychiatrist who called the police and ambulance, so maybe this time an early exit from the hospital won't be in the cards.
TMZ is reporting that there is a bitter fight underway in the halls of UCLA Medical Center. As of right now Jamie and Lynne Spears have been told they are not calling the shots in making medical decisions on behalf of Britney. Leaving Sam Lutfi is in the driver's seat. Sources have told TMZ that "after Britney's stay at Cedars earlier this month, she had her lawyers draft paperwork making it clear she did not want her parents involved in making medical decisions on her behalf. [TMZ was] told her dad had gone ballistic back then, screaming and swearing at Lutfi -- even pushing him -- in front of Britney. As for what paperwork was signed, the cleanest thing would be if Britney signed a durable power of attorney, giving someone power to make medical decision on her behalf in an emergency. [TMZ was] told no such document was signed, but somehow Britney made it clear she wanted Lutfi to make those decisions." As a result, doctors at UCLA are working with Lutfi and not the parents, but lawyers have been called and the tension in the air is thick. We're told Jamie was screaming at Sam in the hallway, accusing him of trying to control his daughter's mind."
Britney must be in her happy place again. All these people fighting over her.


She Has A Stylist?!!!

Another one for the WTF Files. A woman named Nancy Roue has filed a lawsuit in Las Vegas, against pop fart Britney Spears. Nancy, a fashion consultant, claims she has been pulling pieces for Britney and her kids, but has not been paid since last August.
Rosu's attorney, Natricia Tricano, told the New York Daily News: "As a young business owner, my client has been stressed out over keeping everything together. There is over $40,000 of debt, and she just wants to be made whole again. I feel there's just a disconnect here. [Spears'] accountant told us the checks were written and that Britney just needs to sign them." Given Britney's fashion choices, can't say I blame her for not paying this woman. But I think Nancy would have been better off eating the 40 grand rather than dealing with the onslaught of negative publicity she's about to garner for claiming to be Britney's stylist.


NY Daily News Gatecrasher Blind Item

Don't Shoot the Messenger Which recently launched gossip Web site can't keep staff? "Our new editor went partying in Miami a few weeks ago and just sort of never came back," complains one insider, who now has to cover her 6 a.m.-3 p.m. shift. "It's awful."
Gossip Wrap-Up Guess: the recently (re)launched


Random Shots

>> Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Lil Kim. I don't know where to start. Now that she's transformed herself into a chubby Asian girl, I hope she can finally put down the knife. The bigger crime though, Kim is personal friends with designer Marc Jacobs, and this is how she chooses to exploit this friendship. Where are the fashion police when you need them?
Toni Braxton has been reduced to advertising for Campbell's soup to pay the rent. It's sad when a black girl falls on hard times. These are Michael's kids. He used to claim he was covering their faces to protect their identity from kidnappers. In reality he didn't want anyone to see that there wasn't one ounce of black in them. Now that they are old enough to take of the head scarves, Michael is covering his face, in hopes that we have forgotten what he looks like. We could never forget that you were born a black man Michael. You haven't been foolin' anyone in a long time.


Showing These Bitches How It's Done

Love her or hate her, Angelina is the Queen of Media Manipulation -which is why I love her. All these young and desperate Hollywood Starlets could learn a thing or two (yeah I'm talking to the Jessica's (Simpson, Biel and Alba), Britney, Lindsay and the latest to join the ranks of "the bane of my existence" Hayden Pantashutthef&ckup).
So everyone and their sister is talking about whether or not Ms. Jolie is pregnant (with twins!). But girlfriend won't be talking unless, according to the folks at Us Weekly, some media outlet coughs up some dough to whatever charity she's supporting. Love it! Seriously, some organization is benefiting and she gets to give an interview even though she has absolutely nothing to promote. Brilliant.
I know those die hard Jennifer Aniston fans hate her. So what if she stole Brad. Jennifer can't seem to keep any man, so it's not like Angie had to put out some real effort. Besides that was 3 years and like 12 kids ago, get over it. Although to Jennifer's credit, she's not lacking in the media manipulation department either, but I'd rather be thought of as a man-stealing-bitch than a desperately-lonely-pothead any day of the week.
Oh and Ms. Aniston has a movie out August 1, 2008. Angelina's probably already planned the C-section, just to f&ck up her press.


Forbes Richest Women in Music

Forbes released their first-ever annual "Cash Queens of Music" list of the top-earning female musicians. There were a couple of surprises regarding who earned what in 2007. Some people clearly need better management, and others, well I blame their fans for this nonsense. Here are the top 12:

1. Madonna -$72 million. At 50 and showing no signs of quitting. I would hate to be Guy Ritchie though, we all know she's the breadwinner in that home, and he must hate that.

2. Barbara Streisand -S60 million. This is what happens when you charge $1000 for your concert tickets. Go on Granny.

3. Celine Dion -$45 million. Pretty impressive, considering she basically had a 9-5 all year long.

4. Shakira -$38 million. WTF? Are we sure this Colombian is only selling music?

5. Beyonce -$28 million. Beyonce needs better people. Beeyotch was EVERYWHERE last year. She visited every city on the planet while on tour, endorsed every product and she's only number 5. Too much work for that amount money.

6. Gwen Stefani -$26 million. Beyonce take note. Worked far less the Beyonce, and made almost the same coin. More importantly, didn't have to whore herself to corporate America.

7. Christina Aguilera - $20 million. Someone else who needs better people. Like Beyonce, visited every city on the planet.

8. Faith Hill - $19 million. Completely under the radar, unless you read blind items, which I do. Good for her, she'll need that money.

9. Dixie Chicks -$18 million. I'm not sure why Jessica Simpson is going into country. Country music fans are ruthless, unforgiving bitches. Don't believe me, ask the Dixie Chicks' accountant.

10. Mariah Carey $13 million. Did Mariah do anything but dress in too-small clothes and pose with her dog? She too needs better people. I'm sure she spends $13 million on hair and makeup alone. Better stop pushing back that next album Mariah.

11. Hilary Duff - $12 million. Considering she can't sing, act or dance, good for her. So much money for someone with no real talent.

12. Avril Lavigne - $12 million. See number 11. Completely overpaid. Who the hell is buying what she's selling? Who are these people?


Panache Report -Blind Item: "BIG SHOT"

BLIND ITEM: "BIG SHOT" One project put him on the map. He had dreams of becoming a Hollywood big shot, behind the scenes but his plans didn't turn out the way he expected due to his massive ego. On the surface, this man appears likable and sweet. In reality, he has left a trail of broken hearts in his wake. Once, a girlfriend wanted to test his faithfulness, she had a close friend call his hotel room while he was on location and pretend to be a "local" groupie. When the friend got him on the phone, within five minutes, he was trying to lure her to his hotel room. His girlfriend was devastated, later she said he allegedly gave her a (non fatal) STD but she may have been disgruntled. This man is also known for procuring hookers while on location. Needless to say, this man eventually got married. Over time, he became bored and disappeared from his family without a word. He is now divorced. He's known for hiring the cheapest talent so he can pocket as much budget money as possible. Hint: Very well known in the black community.

Gossip Wrap-Up Guess: Not sure about this one...


NY Daily News Gatecrasher Blind Item

Don't Shoot the Messenger Which model-turned-actress, who is on her second actor husband, relaxes between shoots with a bong made from an enormous two-liter plastic soda bottle? Gossip Wrap-Up Guess: No clue yet, but she sounds classy!


Random Shots: Jessica Simpson & Tony Romo

>> Tuesday, January 29, 2008

I don't care what her people say, he don't want to be there.


Lainey Gossip Blind Item "Just As She Is"

Just As She Is

I will always love that part in Bridget Jones’s Diary – when Mark Darcy tells her at the bottom of the stairs that she’s a mess but still he likes her “very much… just as you are.” And that little song is playing in the background, cut to Jude and Shazzer contemplating the profundity of his words… Sigh. Some men are perfect. And many find this man perfect. Dashing, debonair, scandal-free, which is why some of late have been questioning his devotion to his wife, baffled by the attraction. Still… he remains happily married and committed, he loves her just as she is, but it turns out, what she is is a girl who likes other girls. With his permission. A classic marriage of convenience... their commitment runs deep, they care for each other dearly, but they just don’t sleep in the same bed. As for his preferences – oddly enough, he doesn’t seem to have any. The easy assumption would be that he’s meanders about like John Travolta at a massage parlour, which isn’t the case. Not even close. No affairs, no gay hook ups, nothing. Just happy that his wife is happy… true love indeed. And before you go there, it’s not Colin Firth.
Gossip Wrap-Up Guess: I'm thinking a Brit, Clive Owen and his wife Sarah-Jane Fenton.


Oh Britney!

Adnan, Britney and Sam in happier times.
Looks like the conductors are battling for control of the D-Train. Sam Lutfi and Britney Spears got into a huge fight last night outside the gates of Britney's home. Their argument was so bad that Britney jumped out of the Escalade she and Lutfi were and sat on the curb crying.
Britney crying outsider her house.
TMZ is reporting that Brit then called boyfriend Adnan Ghalib crying, and begged him to come pick her up. Adnan told the pop star to go into her home and he'd meet her there. When Adnan arrived at Britney's home at The Summit just before 7 p.m. PT in a silver Mercedes, he tried to punch in the security code to the gate, but it didn't work. He then reportedly called the house but Britney didn't answer. Smarty pants Sam changed the gate code, and disconnected the numbers to Britney's six cell phones and her house phone.
Frustrated, Adnan then asked the security guard let him in, but the guard told him he was under strict instructions from Sam not to let Adnan past the gate. Adnan became irate. He later told a paparazzi photographer that Sam was sending him threatening text messages, calling him a "manic trigger" and telling him, "If you continue to have any contact with her, you'll kill her. "
Adnan has released the following statement via his photo agency, FinalPixx:
"The truth is that Sam Lutfi started an argument with Britney and the two ended up in a screaming fight. Sam continued to verbally abuse Britney as she sat barefoot on the curb at her Summit home crying holding her dog London.
"Britney called Adnan for help and he heard the distress in her voice and drove to the Summit immediately. While outside the gates he was denied access as Sam Lutfi had informed the guards that he was not allowed entry. When Adnan then tried to call Britney it seems that Sam had turned all of her cell phones off."
Britney is safe with paparazzi photographer Felipe from Fame at the moment. Our thoughts are with her all the way.
Lord have mercy. Britney just wants a little attention. She's crying outside HER house, while Sam's inside. Bitch please. We've seen Britney's mortgage payments, I'm sure Sam isn't contributing one cent, and she's sitting outside the gate.
BTW. I love the last line, from the FinalPixx statement, "Britney is safe with paparazzi photographer Felipe from Fame." Brit's about as safe as a kid with a child molester for a babysitter. Sources: PageSix, FinalPixx and TMZ


NY Daily News Gatecrasher Blind Item

Don't Shoot The Messenger Which reality-show clogged network had to change its casting procedures after a racist internal policy was leaked? Producers had an informal ban on considering cast members who were "too black." They claimed it was because darker skin tones were hard to pick up on camera.
Gossip Wrap-Up Guess: VH1


Britney Gets Blended

>> Monday, January 28, 2008

It looks like there's going to be a cover off between music bibles Blender Magazine and Rolling Stone. The subject -Britney Spears. It would appear these two publishing juggernauts want to take a stab at Britney, analyzing just what went wrong and why. I guess Blender and Rolling Stone are going after all those readers who lack the Internet access, because this subject has long since been dissected, analyzed and catalogued by every gossip blog on the Net. But because the "serious" media is now taking a look at her, I supposed there will be a resurgence of mainstream media attention as well. I’ve been trying to take a breather on Britney. I've been hesitant to follow the Britney Spears/Adnan Galib “relationship” because it’s all becoming just too much. Britney’s nonsense evokes anger and scorn from me now, very little humor and absolutely no pity. I honestly think she’s one of the seven signs of the Apocalypse -a plague set upon us by God for our wickedness, preparing us for the End of Days.
Crazy I can forgive, but Britney does have moments of clarity and in those moments, she’s proven that she’s just another dumbass celebrity. How can I respect someone who has the foresight to change clothing multiple times a day to assist the paparazzi, but can't seem to put on a freakin' bra to support her sagging tits? Someone who has shown more fortitude in her relationship with Starbucks, than with her own kids? Britney has surrounded herself with users pretty much since leaving Kevin Federline. I will exclude Kevin from the list of users (although he deserves to be there), simple because he has now been forced to pull his weight, at least in the parenting department –who cares who’s paying. It all began with Paris Hilton, and now the D-train through Crazy Town is currently being manned by Adnan Galib and Sam Lufti. Of the two, I prefer Adnan. At least we know what the f&ck he's about. He's paparazzi, and as his profession dictates, he's all about getting the money shot. And that dumbass-ghetto-weave-stained-shirt-wearing Britney is providing plenty of those. Lufti, still not sure what he does or why he does it, but when her money's gone I'm sure it will all come out. If there is one reason to pity Britney, it's because she's done. If/when her money runs out, she's seriously f&cked. She has no clue about the ways of the real world. No job skills that are of use to anyone. The only thing she's been trained to do is sing, and she can barely do that. As for a comeback, I can't see it happening. Although she's only 25 years old, which is still relative young for a pop princess, there's no air of mystery surrounding Britney. I know too much, I've seen too much, she's revealed too much. Britney, as my sister so eloquently described her, "looks like a woman who doesn't wash her vag." And no amount of hair & make-up, lip syncing or airbrushing will cover up that stink.


Random Shots -SAG Award Fashions Part 1

Something was in the air last night. Either heavily influenced by the Miss America pageant, or a lot of these ladies didn't think the show would go on, so they picked up their dresses last minute or the strike meant that the studios weren't picking up the tab for stylists, either way, a-whole-lotta-not-cute was on display at the 2008 Screen Actor's Guild Awards last night.

Angelina Jolie flaunting her alleged pregnancy (and gorgeousness) in a tent that clearly needed a steam.
Keisha Whitaker (with husband Forest) copied Angelina's "steam free" fashion look, but added eighties hair and Pepto Bismol pink to disastrous results.
Props to Grey's Anatomy's Sandra Oh for being influenced by traditional Korean fashion. Slaps for wearing it though.
I forgive Juno Oscar & SAG nominee for Best Actress, Emily Page. Girlfriend is a little out of her league and her dress and hair prove it.
Jane Krakowski (30 Rock) thought those big beads would deflect from the big hair, or maybe it was the other way around. Either way, too much ugliness going on for my liking.
All the sparkle and bedazzling in the world, won't make Debra Messing and Christina Applegate relevant anymore.
At some particular point you have to believe that some actresses just pick out ugly dresses just to guarantee that they make the tabloids. Better to be mocked than not mentioned. Ellen Pompeo of Grey's Anatomy has been doing this a lot lately. I swear I saw this fabric on sale at Ikea just last week, they were ugly curtains then though.


New York Post's Page Six Blind Item

Just Asking? WHICH beautiful movie star/model of a certain age is dating a married man? She conveniently showed up to the Self magazine/Origins "Green" party at the Sundance Film Festival just moments before her rock star guitar-playing boyfriend did . . . WHICH daytime gabber should be nicer to her staffers? She snipes at them all day long, particularly if they bring her the coffee she endorses - she prefers Starbucks . . . Gossip Wrap-Up Guess: Rachel Ray WHICH celebrity publicist has her hands all over one of her clients, a married hip-hop star?


NY Daily News Rush & Molloy Blind Item

Each gay mogul breaks up with his boy-toy in his own way. Years ago, a famous corporate titan agreed to a formal palimony payout. Gossip Wrap-Up Guess: David Geffen

Another velvet mafioso gave his stud-muffin the customary black Jeep Cherokee. The discarded lad apparently thought he deserved more: he's said to have parked the vehicle in the mogul's driveway and set it on fire.


NY Daily News Gatecrasher Blind Item

Don't Shoot the Messenger Which legendary older funnyman has never worn the same pair of socks twice since becoming a millionaire at age 18? Gossip Wrap-Up Guess: Who cares? This shouldn't even be a blind. Ben Widdicomb must be out of tales.


2008 Screen Actors Guild Award Winners

FILM Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Leading Role: Daniel Day-Lewis, There Will Be Blood Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Leading Role: Julie Christie, Away From Her Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Supporting Role: Javier Bardem, No Country For Old Men Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Supporting Role: Ruby Dee, American Gangster Outstanding Performance by a Cast in a Motion Picture: No Country for Old Men
TELEVISION Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Television Movie or Miniseries: Kevin Kline, As You Like It Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Television Movie or Miniseries: Queen Latifah, Life Support Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Drama Series: James Gandolfini, The Sopranos Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Drama Series: Edie Falco, The Sopranos Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Comedy Series: Alec Baldwin, 30 Rock Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Comedy Series: Tina Fey, 30 Rock Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Drama Series: The Sopranos Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Comedy Series: The Office


Panache Report -Blind Item: "DOWN & OUT"

>> Sunday, January 27, 2008

BLIND ITEM: "DOWN & OUT" Although he recently gave the impression of turning over a new leaf, nothing has changed. He was recently spotted with a group member at a Texas airport. He was sweating, twitching and bumming lucy's from fellow passengers-stuffing them in his raggedy jeans pocket, like he was saving them for a rainy day. He looked homeless and unkempt with a strong body odor. He's obviously on crack or meth. He just can't seem to kick his habit. He's been through foreclosures, repossessions and bankruptcies. At the height of his career, he loved to front in the limo's, whips, rented cribs and penthouse suites. Unbeknownst to him, all the money for these material objects were deducted from his royalties by the record company. This is why he never got ahead, financially. When his career dried up, all of the royalty money had been pre-spent for the above items and advances. There was nothing left. All he ever knew how to do was sing, there was nothing left for him to do and then he started using his faded status to live off star struck women, over time, they kicked him to the curb because he wasn't contributing to the household. He's also a sexist and was overheard making the following twisted comment, "If I were a woman, things would be different, at least I could sell my body for quick cash or get knocked up and have a kid to go on welfare and Section 8." Who Is He? Gossip Wrap-Up Guess: Bobby Brown
UPDATE: Maya 'notted' Bobby Brown. Will try to come up with something on the way to work.
I'm thinking both of these blinds are members of the same R&B group. My guess is now K-Ci or DeVante from Jodeci.
Thanks thirtysomething for the link! BLIND ITEM (BONUS TIDBIT) This guy also belongs to a R&B group. They have a few hits but one of those hits was massive. Like a lot of groups, they are broke and he supplements his income by slinging rocks and meth. Often, after he performs, he doesn't retreat to the dressing room like group members, instead, he can be found in a nearby alleyway selling drugs to fans between signing autographs. Gossip Wrap-Up Guess: so many R&B groups, but Kyle Norman of Jagged Edge was busted for trafficking last year...


NY Daily News Gatecrasher Blind Item

Don't Shoot the Messenger Which TV entertainment program's crew likes to get baked on the beat? A journalist friend tells me: "We are staking out Michelle Williams' home in Brooklyn with dozens of other press, and the crew and reporter from [redacted] are inside their truck smoking pot. They opened the doors to get out, and the smell was so strong - literally a couple of feet from the cops!"
Gossip Wrap-Up Guess: I have no clue, but I can't stand The Insider so I'm going to go with that one.


Random Shots -The Rihanna's Too Beautiful For Us Edition

>> Saturday, January 26, 2008

She can't sing (or dance?!) to save her life, but Rihanna owned the style game on the red carpet at the NJR Music Awards in France. That hair cut is perfection.
Rihanna then left her style game behind to perform "Please Don't Stop the Music" at the show. Rihanna - Don't Stop The Music [Live NRJ Music Awards 2008]


Ami James for PETA

I'm normally not a fan of PETA's ad campaigns, but this one gets an A++. PETA revealed it's newest celebrity spokesperson, Miami Ink's beloved tattoo artist Ami James at his club Love Hate on January 24th, 2008.

Here are some shots of Ami James at his launch party. To see a clip of Ami discussing he decided to work with PETA go here.

Thanks to Victoria of The Guys from Love Hate/Miami Ink for the tip.

Photo Credits: Mike Franklin, FilmMagic


Random Shots

I'm at a lost for words. On one hand, I'm happy Jamie Foxx has removed those awful bonds on his teeth. On the other, the rapid weight loss makes Jamie look like he's battling something. Let's pray he's doing it for movie role.


Annie Leibovitz Does Disney Again.

>> Friday, January 25, 2008

I'm a huge fan of photographer Annie Leibovitz, and if you're only familiar of her work through her regular collaboration with Vanity Fair Magazine, I suggest you pick up (or browse through) one of her retrospective books. Leibovitz has created a second series of photographs for the "Disney Dream Portrait Series" to celebrate Disney's "Year of a Million Dreams." Disneyland Resort in California and Walt Disney World Resort in Florida commissioned Leibovitz to create images featuring international celebrities in fairy tale settings.
I'm not a huge fan of this campaign for some reason, maybe it's their choice of celebs? I'm too big of a Disney fanatic to see it sullied by the likes of Beyonce, JLo or Jessica Biel. Biel as Pocahontas? I'm one of the few people who loved that movie. Loved it! I own it on regular VHS, Box Set VHS, DVD and I have an original movie poster! I don't even own a VCR, but I can still sing 'Color of the Wind', badly. "Have you ever heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon?" Have you?
Besides for some reason I thought Jessica Biel was Bambi, I was all "WTF these guys are idiots." Then I realized it was me -computer malfunctions and vodka will do that.
Jessica Biel as Pocahontas

Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony as Jasmine and Aladdin

Whoopie Goldberg as the Genie

Giselle Bundchen, Tina Fey & Mikhail Baryshnikov as the OLDEST Wendy, Tinkerbell and Peter Pan ever.

Tina Fey as Tinkerbell, close up.


Technical Difficulties

Sorry everyone, major computer problems all day. Finally got everything sorted, and will be posting tonight and all weekend.


Ted Casablancas The Awful Truth Blind Item

>> Thursday, January 24, 2008

Slurpa Pop-Off’s pups may not always escape their closets, but her exes are frolicking out one by one. One of Slurpa’s old boudoir conquests obvs needed something a little more in the sack—like eight inches more, as he’s been known to tryst with transvestites since bustin’ up with sexin’ Slurpa. Another one of SPO’s past and most precious "dating" pets, Purcell Poke-Me, is spotted regularly at a hole-in-the-wall gym on Beverly Boulevard. (Not mine, you heathens!) PPM lives to tone his totally taut bod with personal training seshes early in the ayem. Boy looks completely cut and coiffed—all for naught, perhaps, since the once superpoppy PPO’s poster-boy days are pretty much dunzo. Or so it would seem. Nevertheless, Purcell puts on quite the show, stretching out on the mat oh-so-intimately with his equally arduous and good-looking trainer as the gym bunnies gawk 'n' gawk. Smell-it-all mattress word reveals that Slurpa’s former flame boffs the dudes right 'n' left and hits the bars in Boys Town (and their mostly man-filled gyms) when visiting this coast, throwing drinks back with WeHo’s finest in a way most straight men are not exactly wont to do. Is Purcell going to be the next Lance Bass to come pirouetting out of the closet? His well-manicured mane says yes, but his well-known mucho macho aggression suggests otherwise. Slurpa’s been known to toe the bi-line herself. Maybe these two should replay the charade all over again?
And it ain't Justin Timberlake, Kevin Federline or Jared Leto
Gossip Wrap-Up Guess: Slurpa -Paris Hilton, Purcell Poke-Me-Nick Carter


Panache Report -Blind Item: "DEEP DARK SECRETS"


She's considered a superstar by many and extremely famous by others. Her lifestyle includes private security, private jets, yachts, limos, sky boxes, mansions, exotic cars and penthouse suites. Despite a modest background, she has done extremely well for herself but she's hiding two dark secrets, never revealed before, until now! She's a former prostitute who freelanced and later worked through an escort agency. She averaged 3-4 tricks per day. Throughout the years, her escort agency rep/madame has been paid off to maintain her silence. When she first came on the scene, a story was concocted on how she was discovered. In reality, the person who discovered her was her most powerful client. Her fixer has gone to great lengths to prevent this story from reaching the masses. Numerous people have been paid off including big payments to someone who is very resentful of her success. The pay offs over the years are rumored to be over a $1 million dollars. Over this lifetime to maintain the silence: Several million dollars, easily. Another secret being kept undercover: She had an abortion by her non-black famous boyfriend because she was committed to her career. She now regrets that decision.

Gossip Wrap-Up Guess: Mariah Carey

BLIND ITEM BONUS (TIDBIT) Another black female star paid a fixer to round up every single copy (East Coast/West Coast) of an adult film she had a cameo in. Initially, she didn't expect her album to go multi-platinum. When it did, a fixer was called in. He was able to retrieve all the copies via various pay offs. He was also paid six figures for his effort by her record company.

Gossip Wrap-Up Guess: No Clue. Someone with one album so far, or two... Keisha Cole.

UPDATE: the second blind cannot be Keisha Cole. It was just pointed out to me that in the day of internet, all porn movies are uploaded somewhere now. Whomever this is, it is probably someone who filmed in the early ninties. To see other guesses, check out the Panache Report Blind Item Comments, easily one of the best forums out there.



Tony Romo has reportedly ended his romance with Jessica Simpson, and now has plans for a Valentine’s Day proposal to his college sweetheart, Crystal Kasper, according The National Enquirer. In fact, they claim the Dallas Cowboy QB was cheating on Jess with Crystal during their entire romance. “If you could see Tony’s phone bill from all the calls and text messages he sends Crystal, you’d be stunned,” says an Enquirer mole.“They couldn’t hook up much during the season. She was finishing her doctoral studies in Florida. But I know Tony flew Chicago where they spent time together.” “Tony’s family is happy because he’s dumped Jessica and the Hollywood scene. Tony’s folks thought Jessica was just using him for publicity since her career has been on a downslide.” Tony is now having a $1.4 million lakeside home built in Crystal’s hometown of Burlington, Wisconsin, and he hopes to share it with the twenty-five year old optometrist. “There’s going to be a housewarming on Valentine’s Day, and Tony’s flying Crystal in. That’s when he’s set to propose.” Wow. If Tony gets engaged on Valentine's Day, Jessica's new country album should be great! That amount of public humiliation can only foster great country and western songs - so long as Jessica doesn't write them. Karma's a bitch, and Jessica is learning this the hard way. She and her daddy need to figure out a way to weasel back into Nick's life. Undo what's been undone, fix what's been broken and all that. Seriously, Nick is doing a whole lot better than Jessica, but he doesn't have much, just like when they first met.


When the Crazies Attack

Last Saturday Britney Spears invited several paparazzi into her home for a party. We never heard what went down, but it looks like OK! Magazine won the bidding war. OK! is reporting that Britney, who is rumored to have multiple personality disorder made a 180 degree turn, kicking a group of invited photogs out of her home in a fit of rage. “One person walked into that bedroom, someone else walked out,” one of the photographers tells OK!. “It was scary.” Just before midnight on Jan. 19, Britney Spears popped open several bottles of champagne inside her Beverly Hills mansion for the six members of the paparazzi she invited into her home for a party…..Then, just as suddenly as it had begun, the party came to a screeching halt. “Britney went into her bedroom and came out in a different pair of jeans and her pink wig,” one of the photogs tells OK!. “Her eyes went wide and she was yelling, ‘How the f**k did you get in here? Get the f**k out! Sam, get them out! Why are they eating my food? Get them out!’”
Mental illness isn't funny, but I'm LMAO at this one.


Just Passin'

It looks like Jessica Alba has found her soul mate. Bossip is reporting that Jessica Alba has been dating and is now engaged to a black man. Cash Warren is the son of former NBA great and now actor Michael Warren. Alba, who has been downplaying her Latino heritage to the dismay of Perez Hilton -she's not "Latino, she's American", is going to have a hell of a time checking off the "white" box on her kids birth certificate now.


Heath Ledger & Naomi Campbell Coke Fiends

Now that he's dead, the rats are coming out of the woodwork. Heath Ledger personal life was barely covered by the tabloids while he was alive, but now everyone and his sister seems to have an opinion or story to tell. The British tabloid The Sun is reporting that Naomi Campbell's former Personal Assistant (from 2001 to 2004) Rebecca White, is claiming she saw Naomi and Heath using cocaine together.
She claims: “When I was working for Naomi I saw Heath do drugs a few times. He was new on the scene but everybody was hailing him as the new It Boy actor. We had been hanging in Naomi’s bungalow at the Bel Air Hotel. Heath asked Naomi if she had any cocaine - I used to carry it around for her - and I remember giving him the packet and he went off, back and forth throughout the night.” ..."Rebecca said she bought Ledger cocaine a few days later. “Each time I got an eight ball - four-and-a-half grams. The second time he came up all three of us spent a night doing coke in her bungalow. It was quite decadent. We were there for five or six hours.”
Ms. White also claims she saw "Ledger’s wild side at parties hosted by P.DIDDY, who now calls himself SEAN JOHN after his clothing line, though the rapper is well known for his aversion to drugs." [Sean John has an aversion to drugs?!! WTF. That must be a typo, they meant to write attraction.] "Fellow revellers, including KEVIN SPACEY and DONATELLA VERSACE, equally had no idea of what Ledger and Campbell were getting up to. We all went to Paris for another fashion party a couple of weeks later. We went to one of Puffy’s (Diddy) parties at this club. There was coke and a big bag of ecstasy pills. Naomi gave Heath a handful of these little blue pills and I remember him putting them all in his mouth at once and swigging a bottle of Cristal Champagne.”
This story is bunk. A party with cocaine and ecstasy and Diddy AND Donatella Versace aren't participating? Bitch please.


Tom Cruise SAGs

Tom Cruise isn't about to let an onslaught of bad publicity keep him at home. Cruise, who hasn't done anything noteworthy in the past couple of years will be a presenter at this years Screen Actors Guild Awards. A three-time SAG nominee himself, Cruise will join presenters Steve Carell, Russell Crowe, Kate Hudson and Cruise's fellow Scientologist John Travolta at the Shrine Auditorium.


NY Daily News Gatecrasher Blind Item

Don't Shoot the Messenger Which TV star and his (female) publicist's nicknames for each other are "old velvet nose" and "the baldheaded champ"? I can't decide - is that sweet or not?


Two Judges, Four Celebrities, One Bad Call

>> Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The LA County Courts were busy dealing with celebrities today.
Docket #1: Denise Richards versus Charlie Sheen. Alleged former Heidi Fleiss whore, Denise Richards was in court to get permission to pimp out her kids on a new reality show. Charlie objected to his girls being filmed for mass consumption.
The Verdict: The judge favored on the side of Denise, but said that there would be limitations on how much the kids could be shown. Whatever. As atrocious as Denise Richards is, Charlie Sheen did marry and have kids with her. I hope he was abusing at the time, because Denise is not that good of an actress. And can anyone name an actor or actress whose career came back after an appearance on a reality show? Maybe Denise is hoping for a hosting job on Extra!
Docket #2: Britney Spears versus Kevin Federline. Britney requested an emergency meeting to seek monitored visitation in a 'therapeutic setting.' Whatever. Crazy bitch shows up for one deposition and thinks that's enough to make everything better.
The Verdict: Another victory for team Federline. Seriously, the lawyers in this case are going to bankrupt Britney. Britney's loss shouldn't be surprising though, she didn't even make it into the court room. She was too stressed (by what - the lack of photographers in the courtroom?) that she left shortly after arriving. Girlfriend can make it into Starbucks for a latte, but showing up for court for her kids is just too much.


One for the WTF Files: Jamie Lynn to Hand Custody of Baby to Her Mother

I pray this is just a rumor, but Star Magazine is reporting that Jamie Lynn Spears is planning to give custody of her child over to her mother after the planned OK Magazine cover shoot. Lynne will then raise the baby in Kentwood so Jamie Lynn can continue her career.
“After several weeks of personal soul searching and talks and discussions with her mom, Jamie Lynn reluctantly agreed that giving up the baby is the right thing to do.” “…Lynne will take the front seat of caring for the baby and take the pressure off her daughter." ..."She wants Jamie Lynn to continue her show business career after the baby is born and Jamie Lynn also realizes she wants to enjoy her teenage years without the responsibilities of caring for a baby.” This is wrong on so many levels. Firstly, Lynne does not deserve another crack at parenting, unless she gives birth herself. Serious, why not just leave the kid in a basket on some random doorstep. The odds of it turning out to be a happy well adjusted adult will be far greater than if Lynne Spears gets her "do over". Further, continue her career. Jamie Lynn is as delusional as her sister. Was this a publicity stunt? Girlfriend better sit down for a minute. Finish school, learn a trade. Dental Hygienists seem to be in demand and she can get that certificate in under 6 months.


Panache Report -Blind Item: "Third Wheel"


The eye of a professional baller, several years ago, before he retired. She was petite and still a virgin when he painfully deflowered her. Her parents found out about their discreet relationship and threatened Mr. NBA with jail and media exposure. He paid them nearly $1 million dollars to keep quiet and he agreed to stop seeing their daughter but the damage had been done and despite the big payout, it's doubtful that the girl received any type of therapy. The girl is now of age but she is a stone cold freak. Whenever a celebrity couple needs a second woman, they call her. Whenever there is a Hollywood party where the guests participate in sexual voyeurism, they call her and she happily performs sexual acts in front of the guests. She is on redial for black Hollywood and white Hollywood. She once moved in with a famous dysfunctional crack couple who often referred to her as their "third wheel." She did every sex act imaginable and frequently participated in 3-ways until the wife got tired of her pressing up against her husband in bed and putting her hands down the front of his pajama bottoms. She was kicked out of the house. She then moved on to a popular black female singer (with a downward career) who wanted to watch her perform sex with a male relative so she could get tips to use on her celebrity boyfriend who without her knowledge would make a sex tape with her using her new skills. She also serviced a rap mogul and his girlfriend on a frequent basis. She makes a lot of money from her sexual escapades but she spends it on foolishness, example: $1,500 dollar shoes, expensive bling, etc. And, she likes to brag about her conquests by dropping their names. Mr. NBA is still nervous about his "underage scandal," eventually leaking out because it would ruin his new lucrative career away from sports
Gossip Wrap-Up Guess: Freak:?? Mr. NBA: Isaiah Thomas? Currently head coach of the NY Knicks Famous Crack Couple: Bobby and Whitney Black Female Singer: Brandy Relative: RJay Black Female Singer's Boyfriend: Robert Smith or Quentin Richardson Rap Mogul & Girlfriend: Diddy, sorry Sean Jean and Kim


NY Daily News Gatecrasher Blind Item

Don't Shoot the Messenger Which wholesome TV star snubbed the tweenager who played her onscreen relative during a recent visit to NYC, sending her back to Texas in tears?


Lainey Gossip Blind Item "Dating a Douche" Blind Item Reveal?

>> Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Dating a Douche Original Published August 31, 2007

Perfect young couple: beautiful and cute, comparable status, first colleagues now lovers trying to stay out of the spotlight. At first, she was charmed by his charm, thought that she had found someone less brooding than her last boyfriend, someone less complicated, with fewer issues. Problem is, the honeymoon phase is over, and as is often the case when dating a narcissistic whiney bitches, their life has become completely about him – what he wants to do, who he wants to see, and what he wants to use. It was cocaine last year – an addiction he managed to get under control rather quickly. But plagued by professional setbacks and self doubt, he started using recreationally again a few months ago, escalating now to the point where he has become surly and grumpy, alienating many of his own friends and isolating her from hers. Although she is not doing it with him, she is giving up her other relationships to be with him. Her once close group of girls has been pushed out of her life, she hardly sees them, she hardly calls, and she makes excuses when she’s with him, ignoring pleas from her confidantes to slow things down. Worse still, it’s beginning to affect her work. She has been loathe to accept offers without checking with him first… and his response? “But I want us to be together, baby”. Apparently his cheese is as bad as his acting.
Gossip Wrap-Up Guess: Lainey revealed that Heath was one of her Blinds, this is the only one that remotely fits, non? There is another one, but I'm going to give Heath a pass if he's the finger guy.



Heath Ledger was found dead in his NYC apartment this afternoon. He was 28. He was survived by his 2-year-old daughter, Matilda, whom he had with actress Michelle Williams. Sad.


Kayne's Getting Her Grammy

Well here's a headline that won't surprise anyone. The increasingly attractive Amy Winehouse is being covered Kate Moss style, smoking crack and snorting E on the cover the British rag The Sun. And to think she's been telling us she only drinks and smokes 'juana. Despite having the best album of 2007, it looks like Kayne West will be ganking that Album of the Year Grammy from her, else we're going to hear him bitch about how a "black man can't get a Grammy, but a white crackwhore can." Damn you Amy. Damn you to hell! Oh, I forgot, you're already there. sigh.
Smokin' rocks at 5 am! So that's why she looks like that. Girl ain't getting her beauty sleep.


NY Daily News Gatecrasher Blind Item

Don't shoot the messenger Which legendary singer is being kept on a tight leash by her producer as she works on her comeback album? She was not allowed to attend a glitzy weekend celebrity event over fears for her sobriety.
Gossip Wrap-Up Guess: Legend -Whitney Houston, Producer -Clive Davis


Random Shots

>> Monday, January 21, 2008

At some particular point, someone has to discuss the importance of wearing a bra with Britney. Clearly they aren't getting any perkier.


Lainey Gossip Blind Item "Cheater Uninterrupted"

Cheater Uninterrupted

The recent embarrassment and exposure has not deterred Cheese from cheating. When his much better half is in town, he of course is on his best behaviour. Especially since she seems to have forgiven and forgotten. Or perhaps she’s much less savvy than we’ve all given her credit for. But a return to the road means a return to the rock’n’roll lifestyle. Only now his predilections seem even dirtier. Whereas before the philandering was concentrated on one girl at a time, with an insistence on cleanliness and then accompanied by a camera, these days, he’s graduated to multiples – plucked from the crowd during his shows, two or three at a time, always very young, they end up in a giggling heap in his bus or in his room, plied with alcohol and other intoxicants until they’re good and ready to get nasty. At which point he pulls out the trusty camera and commemorates the occasion. Stupidly however, he also lets them do the same with their phones. So far it’s been 4 cities and counting – the same routine, the same debauchery…only on one of the stops, he hit up someone a tad too young. As in 17. He was kind enough to single her out. Poor thing believed him when he promised her the world. And she has pictures. Of course she’s too sweet to do anything about it… at least not yet. But what is it they say?Hell hath no fury like a girl who waits by a silent phone…
Gossip Wrap-Up Guess: I love Lainey, but this one shouldn't be blind, singer Michael Buble, girlfriend Emily Blunt.


And Baby Makes Seven

Angelina Jolie’s brother is revealing that Brad and Angie will be adopting another child from Africa this year. According to James Haven "They are creating one big family and will keep adopting as long as they are able to."
It's understood that the two of them are looking for a little girl. They have already adopted Maddox, six, Pax, four, and Ethiopian born Zahara, two, and have a biological daughter, Shiloh, who is one. They plan to look at children over Easter.
Good for them. I guess this is how James Haven makes his money? Official secret spiller for Angelina.


Jessica Simpson Spared a Razzie

Eddie Murphy, not so lucky. The Nominations for the 2007 Golden Raspberry Awards (Razzies) were announced last night. Top contender, Jessica Simpson didn’t make the list (having a horrible picture released in only one theatre was a good thing). But Eddie Murphy made Razzie history by being nominated for the 5 Razzies in a single year. Congratulations Eddie This year’s nominees include: Worst Picture Bratz (Lionsgate) Daddy Day Camp (Sony/Tri-Star/Revolution) I Know Who Killed Me (Sony/Tri-Star) I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry (Universal) Norbit (Dreamworks) Worst Actor Nicolas Cage -Ghost Rider, National Treasure: Book of Secrets AND Next (overkill if you ask me) Jim Carrey –The Number 23 Cuba Gooding Jr –Daddy Day Camp AND Norbit Eddie Murphy – Norbit Adam Sandler –I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry Worst Actress Jessica Alba –Awake, Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer AND Good Luck Chuck (NOT overkill if you ask me) Logan Browning, Janel Parris, Nathalia Romos & Skyler Shaye -Bratz Elisha Cuthbert –Captivity Diane Keaton –Because I said So Lindsay Lohan (as Aubrey) –I Know Who Killed Me Lindsay Lohan (As Dakota) –I Know Who Killed Me The 28th Annual Golden Raspberry Awards are scheduled for 10am on Saturday, February 23, 2008. To see a complete list of nomination go here.


America's Next Top Model Cycle 10

>> Friday, January 18, 2008

I loves me some ANTM. It’s one of my few TV obsessions (along with Moonlight, Criminal Minds, The Boondocks and the "I See Dead People with my Big Hips and Great Hair Show" -sorry the name escapes me). Anyhoo, America's Next Top Model Cycle 10 is back on February 20th and the folks at The CW have released photos of the girls. Now I applaud Tyra's efforts, lord knows it's hard for a Black girl to make serious coin in the fashion world BUT, 4½ Black girls out of 14 (the half may be Latino). That's some serious color. Notice Tyra NEVER picks Black girls prettier than her? Considering one looks like every other pretty Black girl with a weave, and one looks like a$$, Tyra might want to stop her one woman Affirmative Action Campaign and try to pick a model who might actually have a career two weeks after the season's finale. Why is America so black and white anyway? Where are the Asians? Native Americans? Can’t we get a Filipino up in here? Since none of the girls took a photo "straight on", I cannot pick a favorite yet. Though Dominique -the Latino/Black chick is slightly ahead. And can someone get Fatima a sandwich? To see close ups of the girls of ANTM go here.


Perez Hilton Blind Item

Not So Blind Item

What buxom blonde is planning to get an abortion? The semi-retired actress' soon-to-be ex-husband was said to be livid when she was pAArtying on New Year's eve. Coke and unborn babies don't go well together!
Gossip Wrap-Up Guess: not so blind is right. Pam Anderson this allegedly would make 2 in the past 2 years? Get your tubes tied already.


They Live!!!

Well at least Connor Cruise does. Tom Cruise made an appearance with another child other than the Scientology Messiah Suri. Tom stop treating you adopted children like they are someone's ugly step children. Still fear the girl child is lost in the Idaho woods somewhere.
On a serious note, how cute is Connor. Here's praying he finds Jesus, or Buddha, or Ganesha. ANYTHING but Xenu. They already got Will Smith, Scientology doesn't need any other cute brothers.
Update (10:42am): As a former entertainment publicist I deserve to be shot. Tom Cruise has an unauthorized book out this week AND scandalous video leaks showing him preaching (thank you Andrew Morton). And suddenly one of the "others" -the cute one to boot, makes an appearance. For shame Tom, still exploiting your kids for positive press. I guess Suri's appeal must be waning.


Random Shots: The Good Hair/Bad Hair Edition

Love it (the hair only, the nose and the lips are a whole other post). Clearly Amy Winehouse’s hairdresser has been smoking the same rocks as Amy. We need an intervention.


Two Weeks Notice!

Two Weeks?! One for the WTF Files. It’s not like these two are a couple of drunken teenagers. They be grown folks! Maybe it’s the “Johnny Gill's Living In The Spare Room” Problem. Or the "Our Commitment Ceremony Didn’t Get Enough Press Or Raise My Q Rating, So Why Bother" Problem. Either way, these two should have held up the front for at least another month.


Panache Report -Blind Item: "THE GOOD LIFE & THE DOPE BOYS"


She loves the high life, the streets and the bright lights. Despite this, she's not well put together, although she thinks she is. She is ghetto fabulous at best. She is very materialistic, although she can't afford it. She has no ambition to invest or better herself. She has always relied on others to support her spending habits. She has always tried to align herself with ballers, rappers, pimps and dope boys. She loves this lifestyle, it's intoxicating to her. She's even had an occasional sugar moma. Everything is borrowed. From nice cars, to designer bags to expensive bling. She loves to give the illusion of wealth. It's an compulsion for her. Her little name status is fading fast and she's getting older. She can no longer compete with the younger honey's on the scene. She's desperately looking for security in the form of an monthly allowance and various credit cards. To keep up the appearance of wealth, she'll have her publicist release a fake statement saying: She has numerous ventures on her plate. None of these ventures have ever come to fruitarian. A source informed us: "We have a mutual friend, when we all went to lunch, all she did was drop names and front. When the bill came, she made a big show of telling us she was paying it. She gave the server her credit card, she was embarrassed when the server came back later and told her 'your card declined.' Our friend paid for her, I paid for my meal and left the tip. As we were leaving, out of the corner of my eye, I saw her trying to pocket the tip until I busted her out." This black female celebrity is sinking fast. If a sugar daddy doesn't come along soon. She's contemplating being a runner for a local drug pusher who she scored drugs from in the past. If it wasn't for the generosity of family and friends, it's a possibility she would be living in a sleeping bag under a overpass.
Gossip Wrap-Up Guess: Trina (what does she do anyway?!). Lil Kim (a popular guess on the Panache Report Blog) is personal friends with Marc Jacobs, so she'll get to borrow or keep all the Louis Vuitton she wants


She's Showing Up for Movie Premieres Now...

Lindsay Lohan needs to go back to school. Seriously, who's she taking career advice from Tara Reid? Lindsay is a study in bad choices: bad habits, bad movies, bad hair, and bad makeup. It would appear that Lindsay's career has been reduced to that of "professional poser". Girlfriend is just showing up places to get her picture taken. Stores, coffee shops, dance studios, recording studios and now other people’s movie premieres. Clearly she’s working the Britney Spears publicity philosophy, "if you don’t get photographed daily, you must not be relevant". But who’s buying these pictures of Lindsay anyway? Sure as hell ain’t me. Girlfriend needs to sit down for a minute. Give me time to miss her.


Ted Casablancas The Awful Truth Blind Item

ONE REMIND US TO NEVER SLEEP OVER THERE BLIND VICE Well, we were going to blab all about pee-happy Super-Duper Cooper’s nasty-ass demand that his (ex) blondie ditz dame get an abortion—most men are simply hideous, straight and gay, all there is to it—but after last week’s pooch-offing Blind left us in a very bad mood, just had to offer up something, uh, a tad more festive to ponder this week. Hope you don’t mind. Promise, back to the desultory trash soon!
So, remember Bravado Boom-Cocks, the star with the overly loud, potty-mouthed manners who chewed out a poor party host? He’s just gotten himself a fabulous new mansion. Ain’t entertainment money just devilishly over-the-top? The pad’s as huge as the boy’s rumored endowment, promise. And he was bragging about the spread’s size to an amigo recently. And said amigo was quite aware of BBC’s fondness for masturbation. So, he asked the award-winning celebrity if he had yet autoerotically christened the new mansion yet. “Are you kidding?” bellowed the outspoken pisser. “Every room.” Jeez. He hasn't even moved in to the joint yet. That sex addict works fast. And it aint: Kevin Nealon, Kevin Costner or Kevin Spacey Gossip Wrap-Up Guess: Kevin James (Kevin Kline lives in NYC)


NY Daily News Gatecrasher Blind Item

>> Thursday, January 17, 2008

Don't Shoot the Messenger Which rising actor with a celebrity girlfriend has been sending "dirty, flirty" texts to a slew of young ladies in Hollywood? At least that's the gossip ...

Gossip Wrap-Up Guess: Chase Crawford, Gossip Girl


Coverin' It - February 2008 Edition Part 2

>> Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Katherine Heigl covering Cosmopolitan

Johnny Depp covering Rolling Stone

Keira Knightley covering W

Rachel Bilson covering GQ Sarah Jessica Parker covering Allure


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