Some of you out there may be reading this at work. You, like me, might have gone to University or College, gotten a job that you were super excited about when you started, by now, not so much. You might be content with your life. Working nine-to five, getting by. Not really complaining, but life is not exactly how you planned it. If this situation sound even the least bit familiar, then you, just like myself, are fools. DAMN FOOLS. Mel Gibson’s “side piece”, “bimbo”, “mistress”, whatever you chose to call her, is pregnant. Let me clarify this. Mel Gibson, who has been married for longer than there have been pre-nups; a man so devout, that he’s building his own church, has knocked up his girl on the side (lucky for her Catholics don’t believe in condoms). Her name, who cares, some Russian chick with bad plastic surgery. My point, this woman is the smartest woman in the world. Think about it. Imagine what kind of ass Mel Gibson is. Forget about the alcoholism, it’s the temper tantrums and rages that would scare the heck out of me. Does she want to marry him and spend the rest of her life with this guy? Hells NO. Does she want to marry and spend the rest of his life with a small portion of his money? Hell YES! In this economy how many people have lost their jobs, their credit, their homes, their pensions. This woman now has a guaranteed pay check of at least $18,000 per month for the next 18 years. That’s $216,000 a year. $3,888,000 over 18 years. If her lawyer is worth his salt, she’ll get her name on a house, and Mel Gibson will be picking up all of the child’s expenses too. That 18K a month is for food and clothing. Star-F*cking. The smartest financial planning you’ll ever make.